The magic of Graphs inside Energy AI

ai graphs

Written By: Eleni Elpida Kapsali, AI Engineer
The evolution of science and technology in the Energy AI field enables businesses, organizations, and cities to optimize operations for the benefit of the economy, the society and the environment.

Energy AI is still a “black box” for non-experts. So, the challenge for Data Scientists is to present their ideas, concepts and models in a way easy to understand and exploit. Let’s take the example of cities which consist of multiple relationships and interactions. In such cases, the daunting task for Data Scientists is to find human-friendly ways to model and represent such complex structures. And this is the point where Graphs join the AI world. Same applies to the design and the management of a power transmission system, of a transport system, of a waste management system, the site selection process for wind and solar parks, as well as for critical infrastructures such as hospitals, roads, ports and industrial parks that can be approached by a graph-based approach.

The benefits of AI graphs for the energy sector

Simply put, the study of graphs, their structure/topology and their characteristics can give crucial information about the behavior of complex systems, such as smart grids, in order to optimize them or predict and prevent situations of failure. Also, graphs serve as a toolkit for handling a variety of Big Data that may range from energy consumption and production, to weather conditions to data about electric vehicles, to smart contracts and PPAs. In fact, the need to store, manage and utilize Energy and Smart City Big Data leads to the development of a variety of applications and tools that involve fields such as Graph Theory, Knowledge Graphs and Graph Neural Networks.

In a nutshell, Data Scientists are utilizing Graph Theory for studying algorithmic techniques and developing new AI models for Energy and Smart cities. Some areas of applications relate to the development of devices with embedded artificial intelligence for controlling energy consumption at household level or devices with embedded artificial intelligence for ensuring stability and resilience of smart grids.

To conclude, the combination of Artificial Intelligence and Graph Algorithms opens new possibilities for maximizing the impact of Energy AI … Stay tuned for experiencing the magic of Graphs inside Energy AI with Avokado !